Download the action lab for free
Download the action lab for free

More than a mere place in the back of the classroom, the laboratory is the place where physics students do physics. In any physics class, the differentness of science will be most evident when it comes time for lab. The basis of what scientists believe is the result of the careful collection and analysis of laboratory evidence. But the basis of what scientists believe and why they believe it is not the result of mere thinking or reading in a textbook. Indeed, scientists ponder and hopefully think high and lofty thoughts and indeed students in science class will find answers in a textbook. Science is different because the answers to scientific questions are not found in a textbook or through pondering high and lofty thoughts. The means by which knowledge is acquired is different in science than it is in history or mathematics or poetry or. It is not just the subject of science that is different the entire process of doing science is different.

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Science is different than other subjects.

Download the action lab for free